Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday's damage

Today's damage:
9 mile run, 78 minutes.
30 minute bike ride.
15 minutes of leg strengthening, plyometric exercises.
10 minutes of core strengthening.

Add it up --> exhaustion. If this basic workout wears me down, how will I be in a few months?

Weird to think that, exactly one year ago, I was getting ready for Ironman Arizona. Exactly one year ago today, I was going to bed at the Sheraton in Tempe, getting ready to wake up in a few hours for the 7am race.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Beginning of the end?

As I sipped my Hoegaarden beer with my friend Bill on Saturday night, I watched the clock pass 1am. It was another fun night out with friends -- this time at DeVere's Irish Pub . Catching up on the week. Meeting a bunch of fun, new people. And multiple bartenders sought me out to give me a "regulars" loyalty card -- thanks, Steve and Courtney! -- but had I visited the bar that often and drank that much to acquire that status?

In any case, I began anticipating the next 20 weeks of training, and I realized how this social aspect of my life would slowly get placed on hold. My social life faded into nothing while training in 2009 for Ironman Arizona (my life at that time consisted of: eat, sleep, work, train), and I began picturing how this would occur over the next five months.

Luckily, I don't think my weekend training sessions for AR50 will be as grueling, time-wise, as my Ironman weekend training sessions. Near the end of training, those Ironman weekends involved close to 7 or 8 hours of training on Saturday and Sunday. This time, I think at its peak, my training will involve a 30s-ish mile run on Saturday, followed by a 20s-ish mile run on Sunday -- which can be accomplished in 4-5 hours each day. That's a lot of time, but not as much as 7 or 8 hour sessions.

"Cheers!" I told Bill and a few other folks, holding my glass of beer up high, and taking a sip to a fading future social life, but also to the onset of new, exciting challenges.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Starting point

Day 1 of AR50 training:
7.5 mile jog today, 64 minutes.
10 minutes of core training.

Current weight: 145 lbs
Sanity: intact

We'll see how this changes over the course of 21 weeks.

It's official!

Ultra Signup -- Confirmation
Thank you for using Ultra Signup.
Primary participant information: Steven Chan
Order Date: 11/12/10 9:56pm
American River 50m -- Saturday, April 9, 2011